Dear future candidate . . .

The news wires were abuzz recently with the name, Elizabeth Warren.  I have to confess, I didn’t know who Elizabeth Warren was until I googled her.  Ms. Warren is described as an American academic and politician who is the U.S. Senator from Massachusetts.  She made the news because a report came out that President Obama might endorse her instead of Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential race.  Apparently the Clintons and the Obamas don’t enjoy one another’s company very much.  I’m not sure if the report about Elizabeth Warren was true, but it did make a lot of people, like myself, want to find out who she was.

Just in case Elizabeth, Hillary or any other future candidate finds this blog post, I would like to suggest what some of us are looking for in a candidate for president.  I hope this will be helpful to the campaign process, but even more, I know it will be helpful for all of us to get these things off our chest and out into the open.  So a few points I would like to send out:

Dear future candidate:

  1. Please know that we don’t want to push the mute button during the campaign season commercials.  Most of the time, by the week of the election, we are looking to check the box that says, “None of the above.”  We don’t like bullies, slanderers or liars – and we don’t want to vote for one.
  2. Please recognize that Christians are not of one mindset.  Christians can belong to either party or no party.  Don’t use the name of our Lord to make yourself look better.  Don’t show up at a church just because it is election season.  Using the name of Jesus to try to get elected is taking the name of the Lord in vain.  When God told us “not” to do that, he wasn’t making a suggestion.
  3. Please understand that the majority of voters don’t care if a movie star, football player or musician likes you.  We do care about whether your spouse, your children, and your coworkers like you.
  4. Christians would like to know why you are running.  Did someone convince you it was a good idea, or did God call you to run for office because it was his idea?
  5. Interestingly, thinking Christians will vote for a moral person, even if he or she isn’t a Christian.  God can use intelligent, moral non-Christians more easily than he can use immoral, ungodly believers.
  6. When you are interviewed, would you please just tell us what you think, as opposed to trying to say what you think we want to hear, or what you think will sound appealing.  We would like the opportunity to vote for people who have convictions, beliefs and ideas of their own.  We assume if you do not answer a question it is because you don’t have an answer.
  7. Along a similar line, please know that we would refreshingly appreciate the answer: “I don’t know,” as opposed to a long-winded, non-answer that tries to hide the fact you do not know, or worse, do not want to say.
  8. We would ask that you give yourself permission to be a normal, human being with good days and bad ones.  Don’t kiss a baby unless you know them, don’t hug a person because it is a good photo-op, and don’t pretend that you admire someone just because it is politically correct to do so.  We want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  We will admire you for having the strong character it takes to be truthful.
  9. Please protect your family and don’t make them run for office too.  Don’t think you have to parade them in front of the cameras and tell them what to wear, how to act and who to wave to.  We want to smile when your child acts up and acts normal, because ours would have if they were on stage.  Let them be truthful too.
  10. Finally, please don’t run unless you can be a person of great integrity, honest leadership and strong character.  We want you to seek wise counsel, follow great advice and park your ego at the door.  You won’t be great just because you have gained public office.  You will be great if your public office is used to improve and strengthen our country.  We want to elect respectable, honest, hard-working individuals who will be good examples for our children and grandchildren to follow.

Is God calling you to run for office?  Is God calling you to begin praying now for the next election?  Our political system is not working well in this country.  How would God change it if he could?  One answer is certain, he would use you.

If any of you have comments (keep them helpful and un-partisan), please use the comment section below to voice your thoughts and ideas.  Who knows, maybe some future candidates will want to pay attention!

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