GCB: a better definition

I watched the television show, GCB, Sunday night.  I’m a big fan of HGTV (Home and Garden TV).  I’m still a big fan of HGTV…I think that is all I will say about that!  My favorite moment of the evening came a couple of minutes after GCB when the evening news came on.  I now have a new, and I think better, definition for GCB – Good Christian Benevlolence.  Our local ABC news was covering the horrible storms that occurred in the midwest over the weekend.  One of the first segments on the evening news, and then again on Good Morning America, was about the Texas Baptist Men.  They were loading supplies and equipment, food, clothing and medical supplies onto trucks and trailers to take to the victims of the storms.  I had to smile last night.  Dallas needed a reminder of what Christianity really represents in this city – and they saw it.  Those hard working men, and many of their wives, were oblivious to the fact that God used them to have the “definitive word” on the subject.  They were too busy working to take time for a television show. 

I became a Baptist in the late 1970’s, while I was in college.  I have been Methodist, Presbyterian and in the Christian church.  I came into this denomination at a “lower point” in its history.  There has been controversy, disagreement and truthfully, division.  But last night, I was really proud to be a Texas Baptist.  I had the privilege of meeting two different groups of Texas Baptist men, in the past few weeks.  They were serving at two different encampments where I was speaking.  The men and their wives camp in their RV’s, help serve meals and clean up afterward.  During the day, they do repairs on the camps, build buildings, paint, power wash, and shine the rooms that will be used for Senior Adult retreats, children’s and youth camps and many other retreats.  They volunteer because it is their calling and their joy to help other people.  Their prayer is that if they can give their time helping, then maybe they can give someone a chance to know Jesus.  And that prayer is answered – often! 

OK…I lied.  I’m going to bring up that show again.  There were several “low points” – but for me, the lowest was the scene when one of the characters sang, “Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love…”  I don’t know how many times I have stood with a group of Christians, singing that hymn, and experiencing God’s Spirit in the room – working in the lives of his children.  To hear that hymn mocked on that television show made me feel like they were mocking my faith and my Lord.  But then Jesus is well acquainted with people who mock him and his children.  He died that Good Friday to redeem them.

I blog because I hope that it may help us think about what our lives can accomplish for God – if we will just raise our standards a little higher.  This weekend I kept thinking about the verse that says, “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” (Matthew 19:30).  I hope when I get to heaven, God will build my mansion on the same street as those Texas Baptist Men.  They would be wonderful friends and really handy to have as neighbors! 

The rest of that stanza of the hymn says, “Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.”   I think those men represent what it means to be a good Christian believer, GCB.  They have “kindred minds” with the Lord above, and serve him well.  Sunday night there were two examples set, within minutes of each other.  Thank you Lord, for having the last word.  You always will.

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