A simple yet profound witness

A simple yet profound witness

I was preparing to teach when I ran across some powerful quotes from Mother Teresa. Her words prompted this post.  I am spending the month of January with a focus on our witness to the world. I’ve always appreciated a strong biblical sermon or lesson that teaches...
Don’t Forget God’s Valentine

Don’t Forget God’s Valentine

Most of us will celebrate and honor the people we love this week. But let’s remember to honor the One who created the concept. God is love (1 John 4:8). He deserves our first and highest commitment of love. Jesus told us that loving God was the most important...
God’s Grading System

God’s Grading System

I just finished a great book by Larry Osborne titled Mission Creep: The Five Subtle Shifts That Sabotage Evangelism & Discipleship. I marked that book up! It is underlined, starred, and, in several spots, I just wrote “WOW” or “Yes.” (I’m lending my copy to a...