Jesus paid it all

Jesus paid it all

Recently I was at a restaurant enjoying lunch with three new friends. We waved at a man from our Sunday School class who came in while we were eating. Later, our server told us that he had picked up the check for the whole table. His gift made us feel grateful and...
Realigning our faith

Realigning our faith

I hate it when I make a quick U-turn and hit the curb with my front tire. In that moment several thoughts fly through my mind: Why didn’t I just wait for the arrow? Why didn’t I gauge the distance more accurately? Why didn’t I just take a different route? I wonder if...
Praying for the road to Damascus

Praying for the road to Damascus

Missiles, bombs, and soldiers are traveling the road to Damascus right now.  I’m praying that Jesus appears, once again, on that road to call people to a miraculous understanding of who he is.  Jesus spoke to Saul of Tarsus on that road, and Saul was forever changed. ...
A mile or two from the cross

A mile or two from the cross

The historic message of Easter is usually taught and preached about Calvary’s cross. This year I want us to consider Easter from a different perspective.  What happened a mile or two from the cross, and why is that message important for us to consider today? Calvary...
What did Jesus do that Wednesday?

What did Jesus do that Wednesday?

I send this blog out on Wednesday morning. We celebrated Palm Sunday, tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, which leads to Good Friday and the joy of Easter Sunday worship. But Scripture is almost quiet about the Wednesday of Passion week. What did Jesus do that Wednesday?...